Unlocking the Entourage Effect: A New Era of Gummies for Grownups
Martin Andelman: Hi, this is Martin Andelman from Deum, and this is Gummies for Grownups. This is the podcast where we talk about THC gummies, how to [00:00:30] use 'em, what they're all about, whether they're any good or not, things like that. And the reason I'm here today is to tell you that I travel around all the time and I talk to people about gummies.
All the time in all different states, and it's come to the [00:00:45] realization, it's become very clear. Most gummies suck. I mean, they're just not very good. Most of these companies making THC gummies are going out there. They're putting the minimum amount of stuff in a gummy like Delta eight or Delta [00:01:00] nine 30 milligrams, 40 milligrams, 50 milligrams.
They're putting the minimum amount of stuff in there, and then they're putting a bunch of corn syrup in there. So it's sweet and they're just not very good. Now another problem is nobody can tell you how much to take, but the [00:01:15] gummies themselves are just not that interesting. I mean, we call 'em at Del and we call 'em like straight eight, you know, straight nine.
You know, it's just THC in a gummy. It's not that interesting. And if you take too much. It can be uncomfortable and nobody wants to do [00:01:30] that. And you know, at TREM we fix that problem. That's why we spent a year developing an algorithm that would dose the product so that you don't buy a TUM product. And then, you know, you go, gee, how much should I take?
I mean, when have you gone [00:01:45] to a doctor and the guy goes like, here's some pills. Well, how many should I take, doc? Well, I don't know. You know, start with one and then, you know, wait an hour and see how you feel. And then take another one. I mean. That's ridiculous. Nobody would ever do that. But yet that's what we do [00:02:00] when it comes to THC, right?
It's, it's kind of crazy. So we fixed that with an algorithm. You answer 14 questions that are all about you. And then the algorithm tells you what color bar you are. There's [00:02:15] purple, orange, green, blue, and red. And whatever color bar you are will correspond to that color on the back of any Deum product.
That way when you buy a Deum product, you know how much to take. You know the [00:02:30] effect that you're trying to get. So that's why we have different blends. We have dream and Dream is simply to put you to sleep gently and then give you no hangover in the morning. It's amazing. As far as sleep aids go, I've tried 'em [00:02:45] all.
I think it's by far the best one. Then we have a blend like Joyful, which is sort of like a happy pill. It's like, it, it, it doesn't make you impaired. It's not like you're gonna be like, oh God, I'm out of it. Nothing like that. It's kind of like a [00:03:00] mood elevator and it's really cool in the right dose. And then we have a blend called Energize, and that has cordyceps in it, a type of mushroom.
And that plus the THC will keep you awake for hours. I mean hours. I always tell people [00:03:15] don't take energize after dinner because uh, you might be up until 3:00 AM now. So there's energize and then we have something called unwind, which is sort of like a glass of wine on a Friday evening. It's just a list, relaxing, it's nice.
And then [00:03:30] we have one called Soaring, and that one is intended to be intoxicating. It's intended to be kind of a, kind of a high, but the thing about that word a high, you know, what is a high I. What does that mean to you? I mean, like, there's all [00:03:45] different types of highs, right? I mean, coffee, coffee is a high, right?
I mean, red Bull certainly a high, uh, you know, these things are also highs, right? There's all different types of feelings. Think about alcohol, right? It's [00:04:00] different to have a beer than it is to have a shot of tequila or, you know, a glass of wine or champagne affects people differently. Well, those are all different types of.
Highs, right? Well, Tums Blends follow that sort of [00:04:15] rule. Energize will keep you up all night, but soaring won't. Dreams, certainly won't unwind, won't joyful will be stimulating. But you know, others are different. So the first thing that you need to do is look [00:04:30] at Dre's products and what they're supposed to do, because no two are alike.
They're all different. Now I've been out there. I've been from New York to Florida to California. I mean all over the country. Talking to people about gummies. [00:04:45] I haven't found any that are like. I mean, none of them are really using what's called the entourage effect. What scientists are calling the Entourage effect.
The Entourage Effect, simply, it's like a symphony [00:05:00] orchestra. It means that we're gonna use different cannabinoids, different types of functional mushrooms. We're gonna blend them together in a gummy, and the effect is gonna be what? Whatever it says on the box. So if it's energized, the effect is gonna be energizing, it's gonna [00:05:15] give you a lot of extra energy.
If the effect is unwind, it's gonna relax you. If you were trying Soothe, it would be for pain. Soothe is designed for pain, strong pain medication, so. There aren't other things out there like [00:05:30] it. So when you hear about Dium gummies or when you look@thesitedium.com, you're gonna learn a lot about the entourage effect.
You're gonna learn a lot about our approach, how we blend different cannabinoids to create very targeted effects. And you're gonna learn how our [00:05:45] algorithm takes the risk away. You don't have to worry that you're gonna eat a gummy and then you know, an hour later you're gonna go, oh my God, what have I done?
In fact. The whole purpose of Deum is to be able to bring [00:06:00] everyone into using some form of THC to achieve a certain effect. That's what we're all about. I mean, when I started this company, my wife never did anything like that. Now she [00:06:15] loves taking her dose of dream or her dose of soaring on a Friday night to have fun.
There. There, it's, it's, we are there to bring you into this without the risk of taking too much and, and feeling yucky [00:06:30] about it. And also the risk of taking too little and feeling nothing. I mean, those are the complaints. This is what happens with people with gummies. It's why they don't, no one has a brand that they like.
I go all over the country. I'm like, you know, do you like gummies? People go, I love gummies. I'm like, what? [00:06:45] What kind do you like? And they're like, ah. I don't know. I, I mean, I bought some at the, you know, they had hearts, moons, and clovers on them. I, you know, they have no idea the brand because they don't care.
They're not that good. They took one, it was fine, you know, whatever. They don't care about [00:07:00] buying 'em again. Datrium iss not like that. People that use Datrium gummies only want Datrium gummies. The experience was that much better. So when you're out there looking at this, you know, some people have suggested to me [00:07:15] that, well, Martin, you know, nobody cares about the nuts and bolts.
They don't care about the details. They just want to take something to feel high or something. That's not true. People don't wanna just take something and they don't really know how it's going to affect them or make them feel. I certainly [00:07:30] don't, somebody was just offering me a drinkable, he had some product with THC in it that you could drink.
I said, well, how much should I take? And he went, well try a shot. And I went, well, what's in? How much? What's in the shot? I mean, [00:07:45] and he was like, well, I don't know exactly. I mean, the whole bottle, there's 50 milligrams. But I, you know, I'm not sure I went, no, not right now. Thanks. I mean, why would I do that? I mean, I don't know how it's gonna affect the rest of my day.
I don't want to [00:08:00] take a chance. That's how a lot of people feel and that's why Dium is called gummies for grownups. 'cause we're not a bunch of kids that are just trying to, we'll eat whatever it is in order to feel high that that's really not what it's about. I mean, there are a lot of times where I. [00:08:15] I like taking a dream at night because it just helps me sleep through the night.
It has nothing to do with getting high. There are times where I take an energize in the afternoon going to the state fair or something where I wanna have a little extra boost. I want to have [00:08:30] a little extra, get up and go. It has really nothing to do with being high or impaired. I mean, energize. With energize, you can take it energize and still do math.
It's not gonna make it so you can't do math. You can do math, you just will. [00:08:45] Be a lot more up and up and going. Colors will be brighter, you'll feel good, that's all. But that's a high, that's a type of high. It's just not the type that makes you go, Ugh, nobody really wants that. Maybe some kids do, who [00:09:00] knows?
But that's not what Datrium is about. So it really pays if, if you've used cannabis in the past and you've noticed that today, it's gotten a lot stronger. I mean a lot stronger. Come on. I [00:09:15] mean, I was around in the seventies. I know what cannabis was like in the seventies. I know what it was like in the nineties, and I know what it's like today and it's, it's too strong.
It's, for most people, it's just too strong. They've gotten really good at growing it, [00:09:30] and now it's kind of too strong for people. So you really need to get into this slowly. You're not out there. You're a grownup. You're not trying to be incapacitated. I mean, you don't walk into a bar and say, what's the strongest alcohol you have?[00:09:45]
I only want the strongest. Well, would you like a glass of wine? No. That's just something stronger. Well, we have Bacardi 1 51. Well, that's all I drink. I, I just want the strongest alcohol. No, nobody does that. Nobody wants to be, I don't wanna be drunk. I don't wanna be [00:10:00] stoned. I just wanna be pleasantly affected in a certain way.
And Dems made that not only possible, but easy. It's easy and it's safe. So give it a try. Go online, hit deum.com [00:10:15] and click around. Go to the YouTube channel, TRIA YouTube channel, tons of videos, all about this stuff. Take a few minutes. I mean, I know we don't have an attention span. Nobody reads anything.
It'll be worth it. You should put a little bit of time in, [00:10:30] learn a little bit about the difference that TRIA makes. Try one of our gummies. You can try samples of the gummies before you make a commitment to buy a whole jar. I think you'll be glad you did. Everyone else has been read the [00:10:45] reviews. They're amazing.
All right. That's it. Datrium, only. Datrium. Give it a try. Take a look. There's a lot more there than you're used to. If you're used to the regular gummies that are out there, they're just not that good. But [00:11:00] Datrium are. Thanks for watching. I. [00:11:15] [00:11:30]