Deltrium™ Gummies: Redefining the Entire Category
[00:00:21] Martin Andelman: Hi, this is Martin Andelman from Dium, and I wanted to talk about something bluntly because I don't know, I'm tired of talking about it in any other way. Most gummies suck. Okay. You know it. I know it. Have you ever taken too much of an edible or too little of an edible or whatever, even the right amount of an edible, but it just didn't make you feel that good?
[00:00:40] I mean, they mostly suck. I've been traveling all over the country, going to stores, looking at all the different products, and most of them are just terrible. They're terrible. Literally, these companies have tried to spend as little as possible on making a gummy with a big number on the front, like 150 milligrams, and you're supposed to go, whoa, that's 150.
[00:01:01] Well, that one's 200. Well, that one's 300. This is a game. None of that stuff matters. Those numbers don't matter. Your body can't absorb that amount of THC, whether it's Delta eight or Delta nine. You can't absorb 150 milligrams of anything. It's garbage. And the gummies don't make you feel that good. And that's why people don't care which brand they buy.
[00:01:24] They might buy 'em again or over here, but nobody cares. Dium has changed all of that. Our gummies aren't just better. I. We're redefining the entire product category. It's not close, okay? It's not. If you think you have gummies that you love, try and you and you want something that makes you intoxicated, try soaring by Tria.
[00:01:47] Try it. You can buy it at Triangle Wine here in the triangle area of North Carolina. You can also buy it at DJ's Pharmacy here in the triangle area of North Carolina. Or you can buy it online, but it's so much better than what you're used to. I don't know how to tell you. It's not close. Datrium is not just straight THC.
[00:02:10] We blend cannabinoids and terpenes to create a targeted effect. So our gummies like soaring, are intended to kind of get you high that the thing you're used to. That's what soaring is intended to do. But on the other side of the coin, dream Dream's just designed to put you to sleep gently, keep you asleep through the night, and then you'll wake up in the morning with no grogginess at all.
[00:02:37] None. You won't even know you took it. It's amazing you know that the owners of Dum take a quarter or a half a dream pretty much every night. Every night, it's all natural. It's not addictive and it's legal and it helps me fall asleep and wake up with no grogginess in the morning. And then you've got things like unwind, which is about like having a glass of wine in the evening.
[00:03:00] It's not too heavy, it's just relaxing. And we have things like energize and, and all kinds of blends that do exactly what their name implies. They're targeted just for that effect. And all of our products are double blind lab tested. So if you've seen some of the stories in the news, a lot of these labels are garbage.
[00:03:22] They're not true. There've been investigation after investigation and it's not real. The the, the lab reports are junk. We decided we weren't gonna allow that to happen. So our gummies are all double blind lab tested. We submit the gummies to two independent labs. That don't know about each other. And then we get the reports in, and if they don't match, we don't offer the product.
[00:03:46] There really are no other gummies like Dre's, gummies, nothing close. Try them. Don't just believe me. Try them. You'll see for yourself and read the reviews. They're real. We didn't make 'em up. Those are real people writing that. Try Dium and then you'll be one of the people that says. If when it comes to gummies, it's Datrium, only datrium, nothing else is close, and too many of the others are just crap.
[00:04:18] Thanks for watching.