Gummies for Grown-ups - Trailer

Martin Andelman: [00:00:00] Hi, this is Martin Andelman and this is Gummies for Grownups. It's a podcast where we're gonna talk about gummies, THC gummies, Delta eight gummies, Delta nine gummies.

You've probably heard about all different kinds of gummies because they're super popular So I've spent the last two years studying.

Cannabinoids. I know that sounds crazy. It all started a couple of years ago. My wife and I were back in California. We thought we'd go visit a cannabis dispensary and my wife walked up to the counter. She's not really into this sort of thing. Traditionally. She walked up to the counter and [00:01:00] said, do you have anything that's not very strong?

I mean, you know, something not very good. And to me that sounded like somebody saying. Hi. Do you have any shittier pot? Said nobody ever, I mean, I couldn't even believe the guy brought out something from behind the counter and he said, here, this is a 50 50. It's only 50% this and 50% that it won't, you know, do very much.

My wife loved that idea. I looked at the guy and said, why did they even make those? I mean, I came from the generation where if you were going to partake in cannabis, you wanted the best cannabis you could get. Nobody ever said, I want. Something worse. But yet here she was. She wanted something worse. We bought a bunch of things.

We came back home and I met a friend who said the same sort of thing. He, he said, you know, he just uses a little bit of this and a little bit of that, and I was like, I had never seen this before. I started studying it and learning about what had [00:02:00] changed about cannabis. It got you strong. They discovered cannabinoids.

Why didn't we know about cannabinoids? Well, apparently until 2018 when the farm bill made hemp legal in the United States, according to federal law, until then, they weren't really allowed to research it. I didn't know that. I kind of thought doctors were allowed to research heroin if they wanted to. I don't know, but apparently not.

So once they changed the law, scientists started researching this, and since then they've discovered over a hundred different cannabinoids. I wanted to know how they worked a hundred different things. Well, maybe if you put them together different ways, they do different things. And we spent two years working with a team to do just that.

And recently, I mean a couple of weeks ago maybe Molecule, a scientific journal, a group of scientists actually published an article about how blending different cannabinoids can create very different effects. It's not just [00:03:00] about, oh, I want to get Stone Man. Mm. That's maybe some, but that's not all.

There's a lot of people out there that just maybe have trouble sleeping. Maybe you want something to help you sleep and you don't want to take, you know, prescription drugs anymore. Maybe you've got pain and you don't want to take Vicodin or whatever they're doing now. Those things are awful. Cannabis solutions can be just gentler, nicer, far more effective, but you have to know what you're doing.

So on this podcast, we're not just gonna. Talk about, you know, things that get you high. We're gonna get into the science of this so that you can understand how this can make your life better. It all started because, well, pot got too strong. Have you noticed that? If you haven't, I mean, you know, maybe you smoked back in the, you know, high school college days.

If you haven't experienced cannabis since then, it's too strong. I mean, way too strong. Um, I got talked into it, um, once [00:04:00] a couple years ago and spent like two hours on the patio with my head in my hands. It didn't use to be like that, right? I mean, marijuana, cannabis, pot, weed, whatever we're calling it now, didn't use to be that good.

Back in the seventies, everybody learned that they wanted to find the best pot. Do you know anybody who's got Killer Pot? Who's got the best weed? I want the best always. And we did that because frankly, a lot of it wasn't very good at all. I mean, nobody goes into a bar and says, I only want the strongest alcohol.

What's the strongest alcohol? Bacardi 1 51. That's all I drink. I only want the strongest. It's ridiculous. Nobody does that. But when it came to cannabis, we were all kind of trained that if you were gonna do it, you wanted the best. Now the problem is that is completely different today. The DEA, uh, which published a study on this, said that the cannabis that they [00:05:00] seized back in 1995 as compared with cannabis seized today, it's 20 to 80 times stronger today than it was back in 1995.

Now, think about this for a minute. I mean, when I read that number, I, I was speechless. 20 to 80 times stronger. I. I mean, if there was something that you liked to eat and it became two times stronger, there's a pretty good chance you'd never eat it again, right? I mean, if something's 10 times stronger than it used to be, then it probably requires a prescription now, right?

Am I wrong here? I mean, if I were 20 to 80 times stronger than I am now, I'd have my own comic book series. I mean, it's ridiculous. I'd be the incredible Hulk, 20 to 80 times stronger. And that's why if you're not a regular user of this, it's probably gonna be pretty uncomfortable to try to [00:06:00] get back into it.

It's just to strong, Now. This is Louis ck. Have you seen this? You can find it on YouTube. Just look for Louis CK Can't smoke pot or something. It'll come right up. He talks about how pot's gotten too strong.

these kids above, they're like, you wanna smoke some? I'm like, yes. So I'm standing in a parking lot with these kids, 20 years old and smoking a joint hits.

I didn't know working on like for cancer, I didn't. The fucking technology that's got into making pot so powerful because when I was a kid, that's what I'm talking about. Right? It's like they've been working on this and what they're making today. Ah, it's nothing like we remember growing up. and that's why people have started to look at. Gummies because gummies can blend cannabinoids to create very different effects, and there was just a paper in molecule, a scientific journal, all about [00:07:00] this. What's happened is that we're getting an education that we just didn't get in the seventies.

In the seventies, we learned that marijuana or cannabis had THC in it, and it's the THC that got us high. That's all we knew. That's all we were told. That was it. Today scientists have discovered over a hundred different cannabinoids in the cannabis plant over a hundred, and the way that they're blended together changes how they affect you.

So today you can have a blend of cannabinoids, some delta eight THC, some delta nine THC, some that have an alphabet soup of names like C-B-G-C-B-N-H-H-C-T-H-C-V-T-H-C-A, and you'll see them seemingly everywhere. I'm here in North Carolina, but I go up and down the East coast and, and go out west. They're everywhere.

I mean, I've seen [00:08:00] gummies at gas stations now, although I don't know why anybody would want to do that. And there's a lot of crap out there. And you have to be careful if you're gonna try gummies. Let's say you're having trouble sleeping and somebody tells you, Hey, try these, they're, you know, gummies and you don't really know what's inside them.

And it's a mess. They're gonna need to regulate that better, and I'm sure they ultimately will. But as of right now, gummies are hot and there's not a lot of regulation and not a lot of people understand which cannabinoids do what and what should they be taking. I mean, if you take the wrong blend of cannabinoids, you can end up staying up all night long.

And if it were the right blend, well then it would help you go to sleep. So it matters if you really understand how using THC gummies can, I don't know, help you in your life. There's so many things that it can do. There are blends today that, you know, make you happy [00:09:00] without making you feel, you know, stoned.

Not everybody wants to be stoned all the time. Okay? I mean, I know there's a lot of potheads out there that are just stoned all the time. I can't do it. I mean, it's just too much. But I have learned that the right blend of cannabinoids in a gummy can be absolutely fantastic. Just fantastic. So that's what we're gonna talk about on this podcast.

We're gonna try to do it in bite-size pieces. I know it sounds like chemistry, right? It is. Chemistry and chemistry can be boring or sound boring, but I promise we're gonna really not make it boring. We're gonna talk to PhDs, MDs. We're gonna talk to all sorts of experts in the field. And we're gonna try to enlighten you so that when you go out and say, Hey, I wanna try a gummy, you'll know what you're trying.

You'll know what to try. You'll know what not to try. By the way, there are products out there that have things like THCO and THCP in [00:10:00] them. That's not good. I mean, I wouldn't play with those at all. So it's really important. On this podcast, we're gonna tell you what. Is safe and can be absolutely lovely to do, and we're gonna tell you what to watch out for so that you don't end up buying something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Have you ever had an edible and then it was too much? It's uncomfortable. I mean, it's, it's, I did it once. I had a friend of mine daughter's make a brownie and get me to eat some of it and. I literally almost ran to my bedroom to get in bed and tell myself to fall asleep. It was, it, it just was too strong.

It made me uncomfortable. And then there are a lot of people that are more familiar with cannabis products and they'll try something and they won't have enough, and they'll walk away saying, ah, that was non, that didn't do anything. Ah, uh, whatever the truth is, if you have the right blend and the right amount, it can be great.

You gotta know what you're doing, [00:11:00] especially nowadays. 'cause there's just a lot of crap running around that doesn't really tell you what's inside. You wanna always know what you're taking. You're a grownup. That's why we're here gummies for grownups. So I hope you'll tune into this podcast. Today's not a real podcast.

It's just sort of my introduction. I wanted to let everybody know what we're gonna be doing, what we're gonna be talking about, and it's gonna be a, you know. An engaging discussion. So I hope you will tune in gummies for grownups. [00:12:00]

Creators and Guests

Joe Woolworth
Joe Woolworth
Owner of Podcast Cary, the Studio Cary, and Relevant Media Solutions in Cary, NC Your friendly neighborhood creative.
Gummies for Grown-ups - Trailer
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